Physical Examination and Health Assessment 8th Edition



Physical Examination and Health Assessment 8th Edition

With an easy-to-follow approach and unmatched learning support, Jarvis’s Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 8th Edition is the most authoritative, complete, and easily implemented solution for health assessment in nursing.

This tightly integrated learning package continues to center on Carolyn Jarvis’s trademark clear, logical, and holistic approach to physical examination and health assessment across the patient lifespan. It’s packed with vivid illustrations, step-by-step guidance and evidence-based content to provide a complete approach to health assessment skills and physical examination.

With a fresh focus on today’s need-to-know information, the 8th edition integrates QSEN and interprofessional collaboration, features enhanced inclusion of LGBTQ considerations, includes a new standalone Vital Signs chapter, and provides enhanced EHR and documentation content.